Functional Training
Life’s a sport, train for it
Functional training can transfer performance from the gym directly to your daily life. In addition to helping you stay in shape, functional training can dramatically improve your balance, stability, mobility and core strength. Adding a few functional movement components to your workout will help improve your total body function. The way you train is important when it comes to everyday life, helping you move comfortably, confidently and purposefully throughout the day.
Over 19 services in 9 locations
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What to expect?
60 minute group training that emphasizes periodized training with the goal to progress clients through phases of training and frequently return to the basics – REGARDLESS of how far one improves. This means there will be:
Intentional warm-ups that prepare for the movement patterns that day. They will elevate your core temperature, activate your muscles, and turn on your brain for the work ahead.
Thoughtful and purposeful progressions that emphasize quality and control of movement that give you a chance to connect and enhance your movement patterns. The results being: building better motor control, enhancing active range of motion, developing stability in the joints under load, as well as decreased Central Nervous System fatigue and hormonal imbalances.
Specific cool down work that targets the areas trained.
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