Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy
The simplest, yet most effective biohacks there is
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy is the application of electromagnetic fields to the body, which are generated by the PEMF mat. These electromagnetic fields are pulsed at specific frequencies and intensities, designed to mimic natural electromagnetic fields found in the Earth and the human body. The principle behind PEMF therapy is grounded in the concept that electromagnetic fields can influence the body's cells and tissues, promoting wellness and healing.
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PEMF works by delivering an electromagnetic impulse in to the body, thus changing the cellular electrical potentials similar to what many people understand as the “grounding effect”.
All cells are similar to batteries in that there is a difference in the positive and negative electrical charge across the cell membrane. This different, or “potential”, impacts the cell’s ability to rid itself of toxins and to bring healing nutrient inside. The benefits of PEMF are thought to occur through restoring the healing electrical potential across cell membranes.
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questions on Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy
I thought EMFs were bad for you. Why is PEMF different?
PEMF therapy is a frequency that is found in nature, so it is considered a “native” electromagnetic frequency. EMF’s such as the ones your body is exposed to by cell phones and other electronic devices are frequencies that are “non-native”. All organisms respond to electrical frequencies based on design, with some frequencies facilitating function and some harming function.
Is PEMF therapy safe?
When used correctly and following safety guidelines, PEMF therapy is very safe. However, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have specific medical conditions or you are pregnant.
Are all PEMF devices the same?
Absolutely not. There has been a rapid increase in the number of PEMF devices on the market in recent years without good regulations for quality assurance. It is important to research the PEMF device you choose.
How is PEMF therapy delivered?
PEMF is typically delivered by lying on a mat or wrapping a PEMF device around a particular body part.
How long does it take to see results from PEMF therapy?
Results vary from person to person. Some people feel profound results in 1-3 sessions while others see results over time since the benefit of PEMF is cumulative for cellular regeneration.
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