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BioPerformace Institute
North Idaho Physical Therapy

Pay Online

Enter the amount you'd like to pay on your bill and click 'Pay Now.' You'll be redirected to a secure payment page to complete your transaction.

Have any questions? Call (208) 763-0485

Rathdrum Location


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What are you waiting for?

The quality of a business is directly tied to the level of care its employees put into their work. It’s challenging to fully convey our commitment to doing an excellent job for our customers through words alone, but rest assured, we are dedicated. We believe deeply in our mission to help people live their BEST LIFE—and regardless of which service a customer accesses through us, they will consistently experience our BEST LIFE values. Believe in your greatness, Expect excellence, Serve others, Trust the process. Lead with love, Inspire courage, Fuel gratitude, Evolve.