Scoliosis Specialist
PT, DPT, OCS, Rigo Concept-BSPTS
Erin Blakley, PT, DPT, OCS, Rigo Concept-BSPTS has advanced training in the treatment of adolescent and adult scoliosis. She is trained by the Barcelona Scoliosis Physical Therapy School (BSPTS) in physiotherapy scoliosis specific exercises (PSSE) more commonly known as ‘Schroth’ therapy. This type of physical therapy is different as it takes into consideration the three-dimensional components of scoliosis, teaching self-correction with the aim to stabilize and improve spinal alignment. PSSE is one of only research-backed physical therapy techniques shown to stabilize the curve and improve quality of life.
Over 19 services in 9 locations
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Teach 3D postural corrections to improve spinal alignment
Help with pain management
Encourage curve stabilization with custom postural strengthening and specific muscle activation
Education on movement strategies
Collaboration with neurologists, pain management, and other providers
Coordination with local prosthetists and orthotists for custom bracing
Patient advocacy
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