Vestibular Rehabilitation
“Dizziness” is among the most challenging symptoms to differentially diagnose.
A Physical Therapist specializing in Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy (VRT) has advanced training in both diagnosing and treating patients with many causes of dizziness.
Over 19 services in 9 locations
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Optimal management of patients with dizziness is best achieved through a NETWORK of providers who address the oftentimes multiple causes of the symptoms (ie; pharmacological, physiological, psychosocial, nutritional, cognitive) On average, patients with “dizziness” will access 4 to 5 different health care providers before obtaining a diagnosis.
Some may include:
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
Vestibular migraine
Acute vestibular syndrome
Vestibular hypofunction
Meniere’s Disease
Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD)
Posterior circulation stroke
Peripheral neuropathy
Impaired visual acuity
Orthostatic hypotension
In addition to neurological screening and balance/gait assessment, Jason Vaughn, DPT, utilizes specialized vestibular equipment such as Infrared Video Goggles to better differentiate Central (more serious) from Peripheral vestibular disorders.
Jason Vaughn, PT, DPT Vestibular Specialist has completed several competency-based Advanced Certification programs in Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy including the “Gold Standard” Duke/Emory course and has presented around the state of Oregon regarding topics associated with dizziness. In addition to specializing in Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy, he also has extensive experience with the general orthopedic and sport physical therapy population.
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