Performance Physical Therapy
Embrace Excellence, Embody Greatness
Most people think of physical therapy for rehabilitation of injuries, but many of our physical therapist have specialized training and interest in helping elite level athletes unlock potential that cannot be attained without identifying and fixing complex deficiencies. Often times the difference between being “good” and being “great” lies in gaining an understanding of one’s body that only comes through seeking out true experts in human performance to unlock the puzzle.
Over 19 services in 9 locations
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The Senaptec Sensory Station is a state-of-art sensory evaluation & training station which assesses 10 visual and sensorimotor skills. Our technology measures and trains an individual’s strengths and opportunities to improve sensory performance.
The In-Body scan uses bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) that utilizes a combination of low- and high-level frequencies that are sent through the water in the body via contact with electrodes to measure impedance. The impedance is used to determine total body water (TBW), which can then be used to derive your fat-free mass and body fat.
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